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Everything Cyclists Need to Know About Caffeine

por Ruby Choi 31 Oct 2023 0 Comentários

Everything Cyclists Need to Know About Caffeine

In the world of sports nutrition, caffeine is a highly researched and discussed substance. It is considered the most popular drug globally and has attracted the interest of athletes and fitness enthusiasts.

The connection between caffeine consumption and performance has intrigued cyclists, in particular. Do you buy a cup of coffee on your way to a ride? Are you considering a more intentional use of caffeine in your cycling routine?

1. How Caffeine Affects Your Body

Caffeine, a natural stimulant in coffee, tea, and energy drinks, boosts alertness and reduces effort during exercise. When you consume it, your body rapidly absorbs it into the bloodstream and it primarily affects your central nervous system. It blocks adenosine receptors, preventing drowsiness and triggering the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine, which enhance focus and arousal. It can cause secondary effects such as an elevated heart rate and a mild sense of euphoria.

Caffeine stimulates the release of free fatty acids from adipose tissue, providing an additional energy source during endurance activities. Effects felt in 15-45 mins after consuming, can last up to 6 hours, varies based on individual tolerance.

Several studies have revealed the specific mechanisms by which caffeine enhances physical performance. According to a study in the Journal of Applied Physiology, caffeine can help athletes exercise for longer and harder. This is because caffeine reduces the feeling of effort during physical activity. This study also shows that caffeine can influence muscle contractility, potentially leading to improved power output during intense cycling sessions.

2. Caffeine's Impact on Your Performance

Cyclists can get many benefits from caffeine. Studies have shown that having moderate amounts of caffeine can improve endurance and make exercise feel easier. A study by the Journal of Applied Physiology found that cyclists who had caffeine before a time trial performed much better than those who had a placebo.

In addition, caffeine has been found to boost the breakdown and use of fat in the body. This helps save muscle fuel during endurance exercises, giving a metabolic benefit. This benefit can be especially helpful during long bike rides, helping cyclists stay energetic and reduce tiredness.

Some studies suggest no improvement in maximum efforts, but most show a small impact on endurance, averaging around 3%.

A systematic review published in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism highlighted the positive effects of caffeine on cycling performance. Consuming caffeine before or during cycling activities can cause improved time trial performance, increased power output, and enhanced endurance capacity. The authors highlighted that caffeine can help cyclists improve their performance when training and competing.

3. Side Effects and Misunderstandings

Despite its potential benefits, consuming caffeine can have drawbacks. The most common and significant drawback of caffeine is that it can disrupt sleep. This can vary from person to person. Because caffeine stays in your body for a long time, having caffeine later in the day can affect your sleep quality.

Having too much caffeine can cause side effects such as increased heart rate, restlessness, trouble sleeping, and stomach problems.

Using caffeine regularly can lead to tolerance. When you suddenly stop consuming it, you may experience noticeable effects. Feeling tired, getting headaches, being irritable, and having trouble focusing are common symptoms of caffeine withdrawal. Regular coffee drinkers may experience these symptoms when they quit abruptly.

Caffeine can make it harder for the body to absorb some nutrients, like iron. This is a problem for athletes because it can lower iron absorption by 90%. It also affects the body's processing of calcium, vitamin D, vitamin B, and manganese, among others.

Luckily, these effects are short term and decrease at lower doses. It is important to consume caffeine in moderation and take vitamins and supplements at least an hour apart from caffeine to minimize unwanted interactions.

People have varying levels of tolerance to caffeine. Some athletes may feel more anxious and nervous even with small amounts. Cyclists should know their caffeine intake.

It's suggested to drink enough water when having caffeine to balance out any possible diuretic effects and keep your body hydrated. Eating carbs and protein before a ride can regulate how caffeine affects your blood sugar. This can provide you with a consistent supply of energy while cycling.

4. Caffeine Training Tips

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) emphasizes the importance of personalized nutrition strategies for athletes, which includes considering caffeine consumption. ACSM recommends athletes should think about the pros and cons of caffeine. They should then adjust their caffeine intake based on their training goals and how their body reacts.

However, it's important to note that not everyone will benefit from caffeine, as genetics can influence its effectiveness.

Consider your current caffeine intake. The optimal range for performance enhancement is 3-6 mg/kg body weight (around 300 mg for a 150 lb athlete), with a daily limit of approximately 400 mg.

It's worth mentioning that tolerance to caffeine can affect its effects. If you already consume a significant amount of coffee and want to experience noticeable benefits, it may be beneficial to decrease your overall daily caffeine consumption.


Caffeine reaches its highest level in your blood 30 to 60 minutes after you consume it, and exercise may slightly strengthen its effects. If you wait to have caffeine until your race or training ride, the effects may be more noticeable.

For longer events or triathlons, it is recommended to plan when you have caffeine to get the most out of it. Starting your race with a large amount of something may not be beneficial later on. However, smaller and well-timed amounts could be more helpful for you.

Minimal Effective Dose

Always be aware of how much you consume, including your morning coffee. When preparing for each workout, think about how it might affect your next one. Not getting enough sleep can slow down your recovery and make it harder to stay consistent, especially during a multi-day race. If you have a hard event and sleep badly, you could get sick or mess up your training.

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